Hi, my name is Dhruv Jain, I am a BBA student studying at IILM University, Gurugram and am an Intern this summer at Shiksha. I have chosen to work here for six weeks because I really love to take part in service activities and wanted to learn from a grassroots organization.
At Shiksha we have been busy organizing upcoming activities such as clothes distribution, up gradation of the computer lab, expanded scholarship programmes, and volunteer activities. One of our more exciting projects is starting a Community Library in Sangam Vihar, New Delhi to provide a safe, informative and free knowledge space.
Despite the heat we are working on lot of things on the ground like the renovation of Education Centers at Mohyal Colony and Wazirabad Village in Gurgaon. The past few days I have also been working to make a database of students to provide them with scholarship opportunities for higher education.
When I started with the internship at Shiksha on 3rd June I thought that with the Education Centers being closed for summer vacation there wouldn’t be that much work to do. But my experience has been the exact opposite there is a lot of work to be done for the cause of education and it is a great learning experience!