Our Vision

To secure Education for all by ensuring access to quality and affordable education.

Our Mission

To provide quality and free education and vocational training to underprivileged children and youth.

Our Impact


227,000 Cooked Meals Served Annually


1200+ Children Impacted Annually


85 Tablets Distributed for Online Classes During the COVID Pandemic


350+ Children Mainstreamed Through NIOS OBE


16 Students Received Full Scholarship to Complete Their Education


500+ Youth Completed Vocational Training Courses


Shiksha is working towards helping India attain the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #4, to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning

Shiksha Education Centers

Shiksha operates two completely free Educational Centers in Gurugram, Haryana and educates over 1,000 students from the economically weaker sections of society. Our Education Centres cater predominantly to children of Jharsa village and the Wazirabad village ragpickers slums of Gurugram District. We provide our students with free uniforms, books, reading material, and a nutritious mid-day meal. Shiksha Education Center at Mohyal Colony is an Accredited Agency of the National Institute of Open Schooling to provide Open Basic Education. Our students gain a sense of confidence, value, and are empowered with the tools to put them on the path for sustainable livelihoods.

Shiksha Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded to meritorious students to complete their education at reputed private schools and to pursue higher education. The scholarship programme has been kindly supported by Sarojini Trilok Nath Trust and by Shiksha.

Vocational Training

Shiksha has set up Vocational Training Centers for underprivileged youth to develop their skills and ensure that they can support themselves and their families. Currently, we are conducting courses in Tailoring, Beautician Training, Spoken English, and Basic/Advanced Computer Training in Delhi – NCR. Our courses are conducted in partnership with India Habitat Centre, Habitat Learning Centre and NIIT Foundation.

Activities Update

Maiden Science Fare at our Mohyal Colony School

First Science Fair at Shiksha
First Science Fair at Shiksha

The maiden science fair at our Mohyal Colony Education Centre gave Shiksha students of classes 6-8 the opportunity to experience the practices of science for themselves. The working models were made with low cost material. But their value in terms of showcasing the students confidence, innovation, knowledge and technical skills was immeasurable. 

Besides the models created, what was on display was great team work as our students collaborated in teams to explore and express their creative scientific ideas in the form of working models.

First Science Fair at Shiksha

Activities update:

Sports Day Fun

Our Annual Sports Day held at Bharti Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi, was one that will that be remembered for the tremendous enthusiasm, energy and competitive spirit on display.

57 students from our Education Centre at Mohyal Colony and 54 students from our Education Centre at Wazirabad participated in the event. Students of both the Shiksha institutions competed with each other.

Shiksha is honoured with the Indian CSR Social Impact Award, 2024

Shiksha's response to the Pandemic


No or limited access to smart devices or internet facilities was our biggest challenge. We provided free tablets to students of Class 4 and above and tied up with the experts to conduct classes remotely.

Medical Aid

Primary health care and free vaccinations to our older students and alumni were provided via our sister non-profit, “Chikitsa”.

Free vaccines


Free supply of nutritious midday meals or free food rations was maintained throughout the lockdown and COVID-19 pandemic; our dedicated staff also free distributed hundreds of Kilos of basic essentials like rice, dal, cooking oil to the underprivileged.

masks & Hygiene kits

Masks and hygiene kits, including soap and sanitizers, were free distributed to Shiksha students and their families and others living nearby.

Independence Day celebrations at our schools in Wazirabad and Mohyal Colony, Gurugram

Both schools were buzzing with enthusiasm and energy for our 78th Independence Day. The students put their heart and soul into their performances. And our dedicated teams of teachers and staff made sure the events were conducted flawlessly. 

Class 8 Farewell

A get-together with a message

Graduating class 8 is just one small step for our students. We hope that they will go on to complete class 12 and may be even college.

The students, their parents and teachers got together to celebrate graduation from Shiksha Education Trust school. We counselled them about the importance of further education, with special mention of importance of educating the girls.

We also promised all assistance in helping them get admission into a new school. And in fact at any stage of life be it securing admission for higher studies, or vocational training after they complete schooling.

Extracurricular activities and skill building
through a photography workshop

Here is a glimpse of the exhibition that followed
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Partners and Supporters

Accreditations for Shiksha


Shiksha is committed to and supports the ten principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

Get in Touch With Shiksha

Contact Us

Email: shiksha@shikshatrust.org
Phone: 0124-4225698, 9650730860
Registered Address: C-503 Som Vihar, RK Puram, New Delhi – 110022
Field Office: Shiksha Education Center,
 Mohyal Colony, Sector 40, Gurugram, Haryana – 122001

Social Media

Copyright, Shiksha Trust, 2022. This site is managed and maintained by volunteers.